Meeting Grayson Perry (well, kinda)
So, this amazing, crazy thing happened last year... 👏 after my husband bought me tickets as a birthday present to see Grayson Perry. I sent a tweet in response to Grayson's call out #justbeyourself for the one man show and guess what - this shot of me and my tweet appeared on a huge screen behind him at the London Palladium. Yep, little old me, on stage with Claire 👗 (who was the better dressed obvs - me = #topknot #supergranhair) - well kinda! 😁 And he spoke my name and talked kindly about my tweet. You might not know how happy you made me @Alan_Measles and I know you love coils but if you ever want a try the potter's wheel, mi casa su casa. 💕 Now, I'll be at the head of the queue at Ceramic Art London as he's doing a talk there. This time I might even get to meet him in person!